“History under Debate” and the historiography of the 21st century


In recent years it has been considered that history as a science hassuffered an internal crisis in all areas. This is due largely to the crisis of the major schools ofhistoriography in the late twentieth century, especially the “Annales School” and historicalmaterialism. The purpose of this paper is therefore to highlight the importance of theexistence of schools of history for the good health of our discipline and for the good workof historians. Therefore, at a time when the lack of interest in the great historical paradigmsis very common, the task of some groups of historians like “History under Debate” isessential, especially since it is a common meeting place, an ongoing debate and a diffusioncenter which contributes to a constant rejuvenation of history. In this sense, we seek toestablish a series of conclusions in the light of the recently concluded IV InternationalHistory under Debate Congress and, what can be provided for the younger generation of historians.
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Guerrero Alonso, P. (2011). “History under Debate” and the historiography of the 21st century. El Futuro Del Pasado, 2, 313–334. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24651


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