The Image Which Society Has Historian’s Craft About


Despite the development that historical studies have suffered in recent decades, there are not too many contributions that historians have made about the work they perform, the difficulties they have when they do their job or about the importance that their intellectual work has in the cultural development experienced by the society in which they live.That reality is reflected in the image that society has our craft about. In this way, the problems which historians have in this work, the scanty diffusion of the values which historians should make their scientific work with, the scanty presence of historians in the mass media, as well as the inadequacy of theoretical and practical education of the students of History in the University, are reasons to think that the society don´t have a clear ideaabout, not the importance of History, but the importance about the use the work we do has and the importance of the legitimacy and honesty of our academic work and our researches.
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Manjón Esteban, A. (2011). The Image Which Society Has Historian’s Craft About. El Futuro Del Pasado, 2, 283–311.


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