Conceptual and symbolic changes in rural societies: the ethnographic letter as a regulator


The livelihoods of traditional rural societies are in an open process of disappearing. Under this premise we started to work and propose a research project on rural landscape architecture, environmental awareness and issues of administrative regulation. This work would serve us to study, learn, document and investigate in depth from an ethnological point of view, a rural culture represented by some populations in the north of the region of La Ramajería; region that is located in the northwest of the province of Salamanca . We propose in our research ethnological a sample letter to serve as a reference when analyzing the administrative documentation of these goods, without it being exclusive of other possibilities, but willing at all times and as a priority objective, to promote discussion of different methods or possibilities that may develop in this area.
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San Vicente Vicente, F. J. (2011). Conceptual and symbolic changes in rural societies: the ethnographic letter as a regulator. El Futuro Del Pasado, 2, 221–235.


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