The origin of the pyramids in the Protodynastic (c.3200-3000 BC) and Early Dynastic (c. 3000-2682 BC) periods


The evolution of the power of Archaic Egyptian royalty, has been reflected in the funerary buildings, from simple holes covered with mud, moments in which the state is being formed, until the completion of the great stone pyramid complexes of the 3rd Dynasty, as a symbol of political stability. The Thinite real tomb with the form of a mastaba will developped in the necropolis of Abydos and Saqqara, focusing sites of this article, in which I pretend to develop the evolution of the different tombs and burial sites and to conclude with its evolution towards the construction of the first pyramidal complexes into which they evolved.
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Sevilla Lara, D. (2011). The origin of the pyramids in the Protodynastic (c.3200-3000 BC) and Early Dynastic (c. 3000-2682 BC) periods. El Futuro Del Pasado, 2, 97–115.


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