Progress in the study of the pottery belonging to the Ancient Advanced Neolithic of Los Castillejos (Montefrío, Granada)


The content of this article is an advance of the study that is being realized about the decorated ceramics belonging to the first four phases of the period I of the stratigraphy of the site known as Los Castillejos (Montefrio, Granada), ie, of the phase that has been dated in the Ancient Advanced Neolithic (5400-5150 cal BC). This study began motivated by the interest in analyzing the ceramics belonging to this stage that were excavated between 1991 and 1994, and that had remained unpublished until recently. To this end and to study the ceramic technology it has been used a methodology that includes the historiographical study of the site, the location, quantification and the weight of the pieces, the scanning and design of the ceramics, the study of the decorations and other characteristics of the ceramics and of the pieces, and laboratory analytical which results will be published in the future.
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Blázquez González, M. T. (2011). Progress in the study of the pottery belonging to the Ancient Advanced Neolithic of Los Castillejos (Montefrío, Granada). El Futuro Del Pasado, 2, 49–61.


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