Circumnominal relatives clauses in Miles Gloriosus. A functional strategy for the construction of the intrigue


Circumnominal relatives clauses are a special type of subordinates that are embedded in the nominal syntagm, functioning as noun modifiers. Its peculiarity is that the connected element -known in some grammatical tradition as "antecedent"- follows the relative pronoun heading the construction. This research examines the circumnominal relative clauses in "Miles Gloriosus" of Plautus from the typological-functional point of view. The basic methodology of this study is the analysis of this syntagm as a unit that is motivated by its communicative function.
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Merlo, G. D. (2010). Circumnominal relatives clauses in Miles Gloriosus. A functional strategy for the construction of the intrigue. El Futuro Del Pasado, 1, 295–313.


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