Rapprochment Through a Spatial Analysis to the Settlement of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age in the Southwest of the Northern “Submeseta”


In the last few decades, spatial analysis has been confirmed to be a very valid methodology to advance towards the knowledge of the different forms of settlement and the relationship between groups of human beings and their environment. In the present work, it is presented the basis for a research which studies this issue in human groups settled in the southwest of the northern “Submeseta” during the last Protohistoric periods. It is shown as a first step that could confirm the validity of the methodology line used in thisresearch, considering that the starting data doesn’t allow further depth so far. The measuring is carried out with a GIS of a series of spatial variables in their relation with the habitats. The obtained results undergo multivariate statistical analysis from which we can infer different settlement patterns that, put in relation with the already known chronological-cultural data, allow us to discern chronological-cultural marks in the landscape.
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Hernández Sánchez, D. (2010). Rapprochment Through a Spatial Analysis to the Settlement of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age in the Southwest of the Northern “Submeseta”. El Futuro Del Pasado, 1, 157–172. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24502


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