The problematic study of Lower and Middle Paleolithic superficial sites in Avila


The majority of Lower and Middle Paleolithic sites in the North plateau, come from open air sites and they lack stratums well established. At the moment of researching the most ancient Prehistory in zones like the province of Ávila, we will find a double problematic: In one hand, the limitation that supposes the study of this kind of sites because of the minimal level of information that we can take out. In the other hand, this lithic industry without context is the unique source of inferences. Nevertheless, the Lower and Middle Paleolithic superficial sites present a high potential of information with regard of the rules of behavior and the use of the space. This is the reason because we can`t reject this data sources when there aren’t any more. In the same way, a correct methodological application will validate the analysis of this industry.
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Blanco Fernández, M. (2010). The problematic study of Lower and Middle Paleolithic superficial sites in Avila. El Futuro Del Pasado, 1, 109–123.


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