Back to the point: new datings for La Peña de Candamo cave art (Asturias)

  • M.ª Soledad Corchón Rodríguez
    Universidad de Salamanca scorchon[at]
  • Diego Garate Maidagan
    Université Toulouse Le Mirail
  • Hélène Valladas
    Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement/IPS
  • Olivia Rivero Vilá
    Université Toulouse Le Mirail
  • Edwige Pons-Branchu
    Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement/IPS
  • Paula Ortega Martínez
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Clara Hernando Álvarez
    Universidad de Salamanca


La Peña de Candamo was discovered by the scientific community in 1914, being one of the first known caves in the Cantabrian region, and declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2008. The only monographic study of its parietal art was led and published by E. Hernández Pacheco in 1919, showing exceptional complexity and graphic density. In 2007, a new research project was launched to update all the information related to the cave’s parietal art from a multidisciplinary perspective. Within this context, and starting from the radiocarbon tests made by J. Fortea in the late 20th century, tests have been conducted at the Gif-sur-Yvette to date a series of black dots located on the ‘Engraving’s Wall’. The fact that the results are different to those published to date leads to the discussion as to which to accept based on the followed methodologies and protocols. Likewise, the implications of these results in the decorating of the cave and their place within the artistic production of the region during the Upper Palaeolithic period are also analysed.
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Author Biographies

M.ª Soledad Corchón Rodríguez

Universidad de Salamanca
Fac. Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Prehistoria, Hª Antigua y Arqueología. Universidad de Salamanca. Calle de Cervantes, 3 - 37002 Salamanca (España)

Diego Garate Maidagan

Université Toulouse Le Mirail
CREAP Cartailhac-TRACES-UMR 5806. Maison de la Recherche Université Toulouse Le Mirail. 5, allées Antonio Machado - 31058 Toulouse CEDEX 9 (Francia)

Hélène Valladas

Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement/IPS
UMR 8212 cea/cnrs/uvsq. 91198 - Gif-Sur-Yvette (Francia)

Olivia Rivero Vilá

Université Toulouse Le Mirail
CREAP Cartailhac-TRACES-UMR 5806. Maison de la Recherche Université Toulouse Le Mirail. 5, allées Antonio Machado - 31058 Toulouse CEDEX 9 (Francia)

Edwige Pons-Branchu

Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement/IPS
UMR 8212 cea/cnrs/uvsq. 91198 - Gif-Sur-Yvette (Francia)

Paula Ortega Martínez

Universidad de Salamanca
Fac. Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Prehistoria, Hª Antigua y Arqueología. Universidad de Salamanca. Calle de Cervantes, 3 - 37002 Salamanca (España)

Clara Hernando Álvarez

Universidad de Salamanca
Fac. Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Prehistoria, Hª Antigua y Arqueología. Universidad de Salamanca. Calle de Cervantes, 3 - 37002 Salamanca (España)