Critical review and time-space contextualisation for the Niño’s cave Palaeolithic rock art (Ayna, Albacete)


Despite its marginal location far away from classical Paleolithic sites clusters, El Niño cave have been usually ignored probably because of its complicated access and apparent isolation. This situation used to devalue the importance of this site to understand specific historical questions such as the Paleolithic settlement in the Meseta or the definition of culture territories through Paleolithic art. Because of that, we decide to carry out a review of El Niño Paleolithic paintings, which conclusions are exposed within this paper.
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Gárate Maidagán, D., & García Moreno, A. (2012). Critical review and time-space contextualisation for the Niño’s cave Palaeolithic rock art (Ayna, Albacete). Zephyrvs, 68, 15–39. Retrieved from

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Diego Gárate Maidagán

CREAP Cartailhac-TRACES-UMR 5608. Maison de la Recherche. Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. 5, allées. Antonio Machado. 31058 TOULOUSE CEDEX 9 (Francia)

Alejandro García Moreno

Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria. Universidad de Cantabria. Edif. Interfacultativo. Avda. Los Castros, s/n. 39006 Santander. (España)