New palaeolithic rock-art findings in La Peña cave (Candamo, Asturias)
Abstract La Peña cave (Candamo, Asturias) contains one of the more significant sets of palaeolithic rock art of the Cantabrian region. The cave was discovered in the beginnings of 20th century, having undergone later diverse processes of alteration due to its use like refuge during the Spanish Civil War or by its preparation for the tourist operation. Recently has been declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO and the study of the parietal art has been retaken. As preliminary result we announce the finding of some unpublished figures, both painted and engraved, that are distributed by all the sectors of the cavity, offering a new vision of the parietal set of the cavity that connects other caves of the Western Cantabrian region.
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Corchón Rodríguez, M. S., & Gárate Maidagán, D. (2010). New palaeolithic rock-art findings in La Peña cave (Candamo, Asturias). Zephyrvs, 65, 75–102. Retrieved from
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