Magistrates and Imposition of Fines in Roman Cities of the West: the Epigraphic Documentation


In this paper we analyze the participation of the magistrates of the municipalities and colonies of the Western provinces of the Roman Empire in the imposition and administration of fines. Through the epigraphic testimonies we study the crimes that were subject to fines, how much they cost, the impact they had on pecunia communis and how those revenues were spent. We will also have the opportunity to discuss the involvement of the magistrates and local senates in administrative and judicial proceedings arising from the imposition of a fine, especially in relation to the jurisdictional boundaries of the municipal institutions.
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Pérez Zurita, A. D. (2013). Magistrates and Imposition of Fines in Roman Cities of the West: the Epigraphic Documentation. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 30, 293–323. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Antonio D. Pérez Zurita

Universidad de Córdoba
Grupo de investigación ORDO (Universidad de Córdoba)