The city founded by M. Marius, Termes and Colenda (App., Iber. 99-100). The 104-93 B.C. War in Arevaci, Vaccaei and Vetton territories


Roman military activity in Hispania Citerior between 104 and 93 B.C. Is analysed and deemed to be a new expansionist war, triggered by border unrest underpinned by the social problems of the Celtiberian groups of the Upper Duero. The area affected by the unrest was in the Arevaci, Vaccaei and Vetton territories of the Upper and Middle. App., Iber . 99-100 is the basis for analysing the conquests of Termes and Colenda , and hypothesis are put forward that place Colenda and the city founded by M. Mario in 100 B.C. In Celtiberian or Vetton areas.
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Martínez Caballero, S. (2012). The city founded by M. Marius, Termes and Colenda (App., Iber. 99-100). The 104-93 B.C. War in Arevaci, Vaccaei and Vetton territories. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 29, 119–151. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Santiago Martínez Caballero

Museo de Segovia. C/ Socorro, 11. Casa del Sol. 40003 Segovia (España)