PEREA YÉBENES, Sabino (coord.). El soldado romano y la muerte. Madrid: UNED, 2022, 215 pp. [ISBN: 978-84- 362-7851-4]


This monograph, coordinated by S. Perea Yébenes, contains a total of eight contributions, that, by means of different sources, methodologies and interpretative approaches, assume the challenge of studying the death within the Roman army both in its most varied forms and in the greatest possible number of contexts and chronologies.
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Ortiz de Bruguera, J. (2023). PEREA YÉBENES, Sabino (coord.). El soldado romano y la muerte. Madrid: UNED, 2022, 215 pp. [ISBN: 978-84- 362-7851-4]. Studia Historica. Historia Antigua, 41, e31229. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Jorge Ortiz de Bruguera

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología. Personal Investigador en Formación.