The managing role of the school principal in Mi Compu. Mx program
Abstract This study is part of a macro research project, which seeks to identify digital competences developed by students and teachers participating in the program called Mi Compu.Mx in the states of Tabasco, Colima and Sonora, Mexico. This article describes the experience of implementing the program in the state of Sonora reported from the perspective of the principal and the management carried out in the process of educational innovation. The aim of the study was to identify the managing role of the school principal while implementing an innovation program in the context of the state of Sonora, Mexico. The research question was: What is the involvement of the school principal in the implementation of Mi Compu.Mx program in elementary schools in the state of Sonora, Mexico? A qualitative methodology was followed with a case study approach where interviews were conducted with 114 heads of primary level. Key findings revealed that the school principal participates as manager of material resources to fulfill the autonomy of school management and is essential to ensure the necessary conditions for full functioning of innovation projects with technology in the classroom.
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Hepp, P., Prats-Fernández, M. A., Holgado-García, J. F. (2015). Teacher training: technology helping to develop an innovative and reflective professional profile. RUSC, Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 12(2), 30-43. doi:
Hodkinson, P., Biesta, G., James, D. y Gleeson, D. (2005). Overcoming the climate change in FE: A cultural approach to improving learning. Recuperado de:
Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2010). Learning cultures on the move: where are we heading? Educational Technology & Society, 13(4), 4-14. Disponible:
Ramírez-Cavassa, C. (2008). La gestión administrativa en las instituciones educativas. México: Editores Noriega.
Sánchez-Romero, G. D. (2013). Patrones de reproducción de las desigualdades digitales y desarrollo digital. Análisis de las prácticas de uso de las TIC en una comunidad rural en el sur de Veracruz. Virtualis, 4(8), 67-82. Recuperado de:
SATICXXI (2014). Mi compu MX. Recuperado de:
Secretaría de Educación Pública (2014). Lineamientos de operación para el programa de inclusión y alfabetización digital. Recuperado de:
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Yáñez, C., Okada, A. y Palau, R. (2015). New learning scenarios for the 21st century related to Education, Culture and Technology. RUSC, Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 12(2), 87-102. doi:
Glasserman Morales, L. D., Gavotto Nogales, O. I., & Ramírez Montalvo, N. A. (2016). The managing role of the school principal in Mi Compu. Mx program. Education in The Knowledge Society, 17(2), 91–108.
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