The fall of the walls of knowledge in the digital society and the emerging pedagogies


The contribution analyse the consequences of knowledge society in the transformation of the space and place for learning. We consider that there are three main pillars in the new learning spaces that we have to take into account: the seamless learning, the ubiquity and the personal learning networks. The emergent pedagogies have to facilitate the fall of the walls of the knowledge. It is necessary to provide new skills for lifelong learning and wide learning. We consider that it is necessary the development of new pedagogies much more transparent and based on learning design. This article deals with the actual meaning of knowledge and the changes involved the place and time for learning through the characterization of learning. Finally, we establish the characteristics and dimensions of emerging pedagogies to enable the removal of the walls of knowledge.
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Author Biography

Begoña Gros

Universidad de Barcelona
Facultad de EducaciónUniversidad de Barcelona