Mediamorphosis and misinformation in the infosphere: media, digital and information literacy face of changes in information consumption habits

  • Juan Ignacio Aguaded
    Universidad de Huelva. ignacio[at]
  • Luis M. Romero-Rodríguez
    Universidad de Huelva.


From a theoretical reflection, this work is evidence that the current communicational and digital ecosystem is endogenous and systemically misinformative, as it has gradually become an information overload and infoxicative scenario, traversed by a dynamic of mediamorphosis, in which traditional media are looking to compete for the preference of the audience facing the multiplicity of digital platforms in the way of their economic subsistence, usually spreading pseudo-contents with limbic great value, but lacking useful in the process of decision making. Consequently, this paper analyzes the above problems by reviewing various multidisciplinary academic contributions to later refer those from within the theories of media, digital and information literacy contribute recommendations and pragmatic schemes to cope with the situation. The work focuses on media-digital society in the context of media convergence and multiple screens, outlining the social changes that are currently embedded audiences. Obtained results showed the need to adapt an “infodiet” or media ecology from the user’s perspective, alternating moments of disconnection, without deserting the efforts that Educommunication and communication policy could contribute in social transformation, in order promote educational, cultural and informative content from the perspective of pluralism, citizen participation and pragmatic reconstruction towards public service media.
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Author Biographies

Juan Ignacio Aguaded

Universidad de Huelva.
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento Didáctica de la Educación. Universidad de Huelva.

Luis M. Romero-Rodríguez

Universidad de Huelva.
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento Didáctica de la Educación. Universidad de Huelva.