Digital craftsmanship and education

  • Joaquín García Carrasco
    Universidad de Salamanca carrasco[at]
  • Francisco José García Peñalvo
    Universidad de Salamanca


The culture, the craftsmanship and the educational activity are part of the extended phenotype of the human species. The craftwork functional structure is applied to works that use material tools and also to activities mediated by symbolic instruments as the language. The craftwork of incorporating into the culture, or into the education, employs symbolic instruments fundamentally. The large contingencies about the changes in the culture –the language, the writing, the information digitalisation– are the milestones in the evolution of the cultural heritage and the cultural incorporation processes. Our work provides elements to consider that undoubtedly the most apparent changes in the Knowledge Society are those related to information and communication technologies; but the changes in the cultural contents are not minor, which have fed the digital technological ecosystem. Hence the institutional project about cultural incorporation should be structured gradually to make intelligible the totality of the change in the vital human domain. That promoted changes have a global scope is a property of their expansion potential, like a toolbox of digital craftsmanship. But, basically, it is a revolutionary evolutionary continuity of the human craftwork condition; it remains a craftsman project; it implies a suitable handling of the material and symbolic instruments and an analytic capability to select relevant components of cultural development; the relevance property is dovetailed with significant elements of the cultural historical moment. However, it remains the quintessential human task, the essential artisan product and indispensable of humankind, the value of meaning. Joining into the culture implies a clarification of the cultural needs, also involves a process of deliberation and comprehension about the value of meaning of the practices in the Knowledge Society; entering in the value of meaning in the Knowledge Society is the element that keeps its essence as Human Society, as humanization and education social space.
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Author Biographies

Joaquín García Carrasco

Universidad de Salamanca
Profesor Jubilado de la Universidad de Salamanca

Francisco José García Peñalvo

Universidad de Salamanca
Profesor de la Universidad de Salamanca