Erasmus students in the Tower of Babel: foreign language learning based on communicative competencies and the ICT

  • Ignacio Aguaded Gómez
    Universidad de Huelva aguaded[at]
  • Cristina Pozo Vicente
    Universität Bonn


So far more than one million European students have had the possibility to study at other higher education institutions in Europe; this has opened immense perspectives for cultural and communicative knowledge and relationships. Europe consolidates, in practice, its identity in a global universe through mobility. This article presents the results regarding the communicative competencies and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of German exchange students. The data was extracted from two exhaustive, rigorous and methodical questionnaires related to communicative and ICT competencies completed by 20 exchange students from Romanisches Seminar of the Universität Bonn, their native language being German and learning Spanish as a foreign language. Generally, the results confirm that a stay in a foreign country increases the use of ICT and widely improves German native speakers' communicative competencies in Spanish.
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Aguaded Gómez, I., & Pozo Vicente, C. (2010). Erasmus students in the Tower of Babel: foreign language learning based on communicative competencies and the ICT. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 377–411.

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