Young communication: concerning the fascination with and the educational offerings of the new media

  • Juan Carlos González Faraco
    Universidad de Huelva farazo[at]
  • Anita Gramigna
    Università degli studi di Ferrara


This article responds to the question: Why do youth enjoy so much the languages of multimedia? After defining the characteristics of these languages, the role that the new technologies play in the imagination of the youth is analyzed; specifically studied are those factors that can contribute to the improvement of their learning and, in general, their education. Finally this article alludes to the cognitive processes that underlie the computer activities that youth undertake as well as to the forms of thought and communication that advance these new technologically based media.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
González Faraco, J. C., & Gramigna, A. (2010). Young communication: concerning the fascination with and the educational offerings of the new media. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 336–349.


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