Education in values and emotional education: proposals for the pedagogical action

  • María Rosa Buxarrais Estrada
    Universitat de Barcelona mrbuxarrais[at]
  • Miquel Martínez Martín
    Universitat de Barcelona


To relate the education in values with emotional education supposes to emphasize the idea that the education consists in offering answers from the educational institution to all the dimensions of the person: cognitive, behavioural and affective thinking, doing and feeling -, answers that seems not have been given in previous educational systems. In this article we raised the necessity to rescue an education in values that does not only forget the emotional education but it is also specified through programs of pedagogical whose objectives take shape in the construction of ethical personality, the education of feelings and the communicational competition, the acquisition of ethical competitions, the acceptance of limits and coexistence norms as well as the management of the emotions and its conductible consequence: self-regulation of the behaviour. The sensibility and training of the teaching staff will be indispensable so that this educational innovation could be considered and developed in the educational institutions.
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Buxarrais Estrada, M. R., & Martínez Martín, M. (2010). Education in values and emotional education: proposals for the pedagogical action. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 320–335.

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