Ethical learning in virtual contexts in the EAHE


The article considers some of the arguments in favour of the university incor-porating systems that foster ethical and citizenship education in students into its teach-ing and learning practices. An analysis is made of the process of convergence towards the European Higher Education System and the progressive introduction of information, communication and documentation technologies as opportunities for improving quality and teaching renewal. Some of the characteristics of the teaching proposals that form part of virtual learning environments are also examined. The article examines the following areas of learning and generic and ethical competen-cies in the university: curricular content, interpersonal relationships, models of social organisation of learning, and evaluation of students' learning processes. It highlights the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that can be learned and em-ployed by students in virtual teaching-learning environments on the basis of their con-tribution to the development of students' generic and ethical competencies.
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Martínez Martín, M., & Tey Teijón, A. (2019). Ethical learning in virtual contexts in the EAHE. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1).

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