Development of pedagogical criteria for virtual cam-puses better use
Abstract We live in times of change in Higher Education. On the one hand the Bologna process and on the other hand the enormous development of new technologies mark organizational priorities of the current situation. The possibilities offered by new educa-tional technologies is enormous but if we remove all its usefulness is not only necessary the continuous improvement technique but also the theoretical reflection. It is precisely now, a time of rapid change in a hurry, when it can be more pressing stop and think about the meaning of the practice teaching in our university world today. In this context, this article attempts to analyze the possibilities and conditions, from a pedagogical point of view, allowing better use of learning environments combined, based on the experi-ence carried out at the Universidad Complutense Madrid Virtual Campus.
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Reyero, D., Morcillo, J. G., Rodríguez, E., Gil, F., & Jover, G. (2019). Development of pedagogical criteria for virtual cam-puses better use. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1).
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