Cognitive revolution in the current society: new educative challenges

  • María José Hernández Serrano
    Universidad de Salamanca mjhs[at]
  • Margarita González Sánchez
    Universidad de Salamanca


Important challenges are arising in the new Information Society. These changes are affecting individuals and the educational in witch they interact. One of the main modifications is related to the cognitive domain of subjects, due to the new characteristics that information is taken on at the moment. These characteristics are beginning to demand new cognitive abilities related to new ways to access, process and generate knowledge. All these abilities are the responsibility of educational systems, as they have traditionally been charged with the development of cognitive functions. These abilities will present some challenges in these systems, because the new demands are rather different from conventional ways of managing and operating with information. Educational systems will have to face up to new cognitive challenges and develop essential competences to respond to present changes in the current cognitive revolution. 
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Hernández Serrano, M. J., & González Sánchez, M. (2018). Cognitive revolution in the current society: new educative challenges. Education in The Knowledge Society, 7(1).


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