Sciencie centers and virtual science museums: theory and practice


Our work investigates the current theoretical and practical scenario of virtual science museums and science centers in Internet, analyzing in a critical way what are the unique possibilities and limitations provided by Internet for this type of informal education institution and how it can supplement the activities carried out by the real museum. We have approached the concepts underlying this new form of cultural representation, through the analysis of the concepts of science museum and of virtual museum, also describing the contents, resources and characteristics of the virtual museum, besides commenting on questions of practical character in the operation of the virtual museums. Also, an experimental investigation has been carried out, aiming to analyze how Iberoamerican museums are reaching the "virtual museum" stage, and identifying what are thecontents, functionalities and approaches of the virtual museum, with special emphasis in our reality.
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Sabbatini, M. (2016). Sciencie centers and virtual science museums: theory and practice. Education in The Knowledge Society, 4(1).


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