¿Hacia unas Nuevas Matemáticas?

  • José Mª Chamoso Sánchez
    Universidad de Salamanca eks[at]usal.es
  • W.B. Rawson
    Universidad de Exeter


Current thinking about the teaching and learning of mathematics recognises that learners construct their own knowledge. Consequently, the mathematical content of what is taught in schools is viewed differently, providing another focus that is related to real life. It is recommended that a range of resources is used to enable the teaching and learning process. These are, however, not to be accepted for their own sake but as a means of enhancing understanding. Moreover, the use of concrete materials is only advisable when it is familiar, when it is believed to be appropriate for the task and when it is known how to be used in the context for which it is needed.
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Chamoso Sánchez, J. M., & Rawson, W. (2016). ¿Hacia unas Nuevas Matemáticas?. Education in The Knowledge Society, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.13564

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Author Biography

José Mª Chamoso Sánchez

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Educación. Univ. Salamanca (España)