Blended learning and engineering: use level, academic performance and assessment of students

  • Ana Isabel Vázquez-Martínez
    University of Sevilla aisabel[at]
  • Juan Manuel Alducin-Ochoa
    University of Sevilla


Changes that the University is experiencing, as well as the characteristics of technical teachings, in terms of high drop-out rates and low academic performance, do that they have to seek solutions to respond to these challenges. This article presents the use of the learning platform WebCT course Materials of Construccion-I, in the degree of Engineering of Building of the University of Seville. Intends to analyze what is the level of use, the academic performance and the valuation that students make their use. In this way the objectives are to know if the use of the tools forum and preparatory tests exerts influence on the performance of students; if there is a relationship between the performance and the valuation that students make WebCT, and between the use of these tools and the given valuation. The results indicate that there are significant differences in academic achievement by the degree of use of evidence and the degree of use of the Forum, as well as between perception and satisfaction of the Teas study according to the degree of use of evidence and forum. In the same way there is correlation between academic performance and the evaluation and satisfaction of students. Therefore one could say that classroom teaching supported by educational platforms can promote significant changes in academic results, being at the same time a resource well valued by students 
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Vázquez-Martínez, A. I., & Alducin-Ochoa, J. M. (2014). Blended learning and engineering: use level, academic performance and assessment of students. Education in The Knowledge Society, 15(3), 120–148.


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