Development of emotional competences in secondary education teachers throught intervention programmes

  • Patricia Torrijos Fincias
    Universidad de Salamanca patrizamora[at]
  • Juan Francisco Martín Izard
    Universidad de Salamanca


The schools constitute spaces of meeting where the interpersonal relations play a central paper. To favor the coexistence between their members is one need that is precise to approach if we want to promote the personal and social well-being of all those involved in teaching-learning process.In this sense, work emotional competences in secondary education teachers become a prevention and development strategy. As prevention strategy, our pretension is provide to the teachers necessary abilities to cope with challenges of their daily practice, and prevent discomfort, stress and feelings frustrations that can appear with requests and conflicts on the part of parents, students, colleagues and management team.As development strategy, we understand that teachers must be able for transmit and develop emotional competences those students who have occasion to work, to favor a comprehensive and quality education.
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Torrijos Fincias, P., & Martín Izard, J. F. (2014). Development of emotional competences in secondary education teachers throught intervention programmes. Education in The Knowledge Society, 15(1), 90–105.


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