Education in multicultural social arenas. Revaluation of the role of civil society


The educational activity of civil society, due to excessive focus on instruction, has not been valued as it should, but today, given the urgent need to build viable social future in the multicultural arenas of the big cities, we need to rediscover and to rescue it for this task. The purpose of this article, after reviewing the diversification and complexity of multicultural social arenas as a result of mass immigration to urban cosmopolitan areas and to discuss the alternatives facing, with realism and sustainability, the future in these areas, consists on revaluating the educational potential of the institutions of civil society and of placing it, in concrete and strategic terms, to the service of a new paradigm of social relationships in multicultural urban spaces.
  • Referencias
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Barbosa, M. (2012). Education in multicultural social arenas. Revaluation of the role of civil society. Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 23(2), 151–170.


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Author Biography

Manuel Barbosa

Departamento de Teoría da Educação e Educação Artística e Física. Instituto de Educação. Universidade do Minho. 4710-057 Braga (Portugal).