The Illusory ‘Outsides’ of Libertarian Education


The assertion of the inherent goodness of human beings has been one of the cornerstones of Anarchist thought. Thus, many strands of anarchism have directed their political activity towards the goal of deserting from capitalist society in order to reinstate this primal tendency to the Good. This article exposes the variations of this argument throughout history, along with its educational implications, whilst critizicing both their erroneous premises -the existence of two ‘outsides’ lying beyond society where emancipatory potencies are said to reside- and the means through which some anarchists have unsuccessfully tried to overcome the essentialism of their comrades. In demonstrating the falsity of those ‘outsides’ the worrying political implications of taking the illusions of the possibility of desertion at face value will be unfolded. Given its impossibility, any attempts at affirming its actuality leads to an uncritical form of praxis which cannot but reproduce the capitalist social relations. In the last instance, the latter unwillingly naturalizes the class society it manifestly opposes. Finally, the last section will expose several theses on how to organize our practice in a revolutionary direction. First, the need to depart from a materialist conception of the human essence, which, rather than portraying it as a set of potencies prior to society, and thus asocial and transhistorical, it understands it as the ensemble of social relations at a given stage. Second, emancipatory possibilities being harboured by the latter, i.e., capitalist social forms, rather than inscribed in an abstract ‘human nature’, it follows that a struggle consciously directed in and against those forms should substitute calls for ‘desertion’.
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