Teaching the use of ict to older people: an account of an experience

  • Cristina Moreno Pabón
    Facultad de Educación. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid cristina.moreno[at]uam.es
  • Cristina Alconada Fernández
    Experta en Tecnología Educativa, profesora de Pluma y Arroba
  • José Dulac Ibergallartu
    Director de Pluma y Arroba y de la investigación Aula Adaptativa


In this article, we present the research we have been developing for the last two years, working with ict resources and tools to teach older people about its use, functionalities and benefits that can be provided to them. We believe that in today’s society we have not given a satisfactory response to the formation of this group of older people that we think is disadvantaged in terms of the use of ict training and we are considering it a necessity in the face of constant advances and changes related to technologies. The tools we have incorporated are the digital board and tablets for Internet browsing and use of some applications related to Android devices and referred to drawing and cognitive improvements, basic robots to start programming, emotional involvement and logical thinking and glasses of virtual reality to bring the immersive novelty in the knowledge or memory of different environments.The good results obtained in this period encourage us to continue and consolidate the research project and define the most appropriate didactic models and the relevant digital basic competences.
  • Referencias
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Moreno Pabón, C., Alconada Fernández, C., & Dulac Ibergallartu, J. (2018). Teaching the use of ict to older people: an account of an experience. Aula, 24, 93–103. https://doi.org/10.14201/aula20182493103


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