Robots for the care of elderly people. Taxonomy of a promise


Population ageing is testing traditional care practices and institutions for older people in Europe. The development of technological «solutions» has been gaining ground in this field. This work focuses on the advances of geron-robotics. Robots that appear in the digital media and are designed to provide some service to older people have been tracked and classified. They were classified according to whether they were medical, service, social, recreational, educational, rehabilitative or therapeutic potential robots. An analysis was also made of the content of the different sources found. The devices identified have recent developments. Very few of them are present in Spain. In the sample found, a great variety of robotic devices is appreciated, as well as a tendency to produce the expectation of new and better machines to come that will provide independence, well-being and company to its users.
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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Aceros Gualdrón

Universidad Industrial de Santander
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bogotá, Colombia