The social benefits in higher public Portuguese education in the last four decades

  • Carlos Manuel Caetano Monteiro
    Instituto Politécnico de Bragança carlosm[at]
  • Maria Helena Pimentel
    Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


The study entitled «the I&D transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship in universities (Clay, 2015)» ran through the decade of 2000 to 2010 refers that the binary system of higher education in Portugal was responsible for 40% of the investment in innovation and development (I&D) of all the Portuguese economy.Students are a fundamental and indispensable part of an educational institution from the point of view of citizenship and social development. For this reason, a reflection on its economic difficulties, when they join in higher education institutions, is transferred to these institutions and responsible its leaders towards the pursuit of educational goals related to the school, providing students a better well-being, both mental, social and economic.This design has, slowly, over the last four decades, been provided with greater range and with increased equity, very under the legislative changes proposed by the educational institutions, as well as by the demands expressed by receivers who attend this school level, the students.It is important to stress that the School Social action in the Portuguese higher education appears associated with the concept of effective equal opportunities that are produced through legislation or through other information sources that discuss the subject, as has occurred in the last four decades analyzed.The approach of social benefits in this level of education shall examine the multiple facets that it takes given their link to the educational success and welfare of trainees and therefore to the enhancement of a meritocratic society.Also due to the important contribution of territorial cohesion, especially in areas of Portugal, in the case of Portugal, with a lower population density and lower socio-economic levels, as well reflected in the study entitled «the I&D transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship in universities (Clay, 2015)» ran through the decade of 2000 to 2010 refers that the binary system of higher education in Portugal was responsible for 40% of the investment in innovation and development (I&D) of all the Portuguese economy.
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Caetano Monteiro, C. M., & Pimentel, M. H. (2017). The social benefits in higher public Portuguese education in the last four decades. Aula, 23, 233–242.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Manuel Caetano Monteiro

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Serviços de Ação Social. Portugal

Maria Helena Pimentel

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Escola Superior de Saúde. Portugal