Methods, forms, procedures and education systems on a conception of teaching as art by José M. Zamora


In this article, core pedagogic categories and its problematic elements such as: methods, forms, procedures, systems and laws are recreated. All this, as part of the pedagogical memory recovery through the discourse, in relation to this field of knowledge, that is done in the developments of José M. Zamora, as a reform that inspired the pedagogical practices during a period of the History of Education, the 20s, and especially inspired by the first German pedagogical mission.In the Manual of Pedagogy of Zamora, possibilities and visions from a hopeful World from the Education are seen. Some components arrive at the present time to be evaluated. The author distinguishes into three educational methods: physical, intellectual and moral; Pedagogical forms are classified into four: interrogative, expository, heuristics and narrative. The pedagogical procedures are divided in ten, whereas the educational systems in three: mutual or reciprocal, conferences and discussion. Finally, the pedagogical laws are divided in: physical, intellectual and moral. All of them are important elements in the contemporary pedagogical analysis.
  • Referencias
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FLÓREZ, R. (1994) Hacia una Pedagogía del Conocimiento. Santafé de Bogotá: McGraw-Hill.

JOHONNOT, J. (1997) Principios y Práctica de la Enseñanza. Nueva York: Appleton y Cía., 1887, p. 112; citado por Restrepo Mejía, Martín y Luis. Elementos de la pedagogía. Obra adoptada como texto para las escuelas normales de Colombia y recomendada para la enseñanza de la materia en el Ecuador. Bogotá: Imprenta Moderna, 1911, p. 172, 2 vols. En Sáenz, Javier; Saldarriaga, Óscar y Ospina, Armando. Mirar la Infancia: pedagogía, moral y modernidad en Colombia, 1903-1946, vol. i. Colciencias-Foro Nacional por Colombia-Uniandes Universidad de Antioquía-Clío. Medellín.

ZAMORA, J. M. (1924) Cursos de Historia, Metodología General y Especial y Legislación de la Instrucción Pública. Pedagogía. Bogotá: Tipografía Augusta.
Orozco Gómez, M. L. (2015). Methods, forms, procedures and education systems on a conception of teaching as art by José M. Zamora. Aula, 21, 165–176.


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Author Biography

Martha Lucía Orozco Gómez

Universidad de Burgos
Universidad de Burgos. Facultad de Educación. Planta 2ª - C/Villadiego, s/n - 09001 Burgos, España