Education, brain and emotion


The article highlights the importance of the approximation to the neurology to complete the frame from which to construct a theory of the education. The exposition approach is important if it thinks that the theory must be inclusive with regard to the difference forms, with regard to all the educational actions shares that take the body as a frame and with regard to the importance of fundamentally an environmental education. Opposite to a perspective strongly «cognitivista» of the formative processes, it shows the paper role of the emotional system in the global structure of the mind, and the role of the emotion in the processes of the mental top operations. The study proposes from a systemic perspective, with different levels of organization and how inside all these levels they play an important paper role the emotions. It is clarifying the measure in which three concepts of education, brain and emotion are mutually imbricated concepts, none can be ignored if there is looked the full comprehension of the educational processes.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
García Carrasco, J. (2012). Education, brain and emotion. Aula, 15, 91–115.


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Author Biography

Joaquín García Carrasco

Universidad de Salamanca
Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Educación. Paseo de Canalejas, 169. 37008 Salamanca. España