The interdiscipline’s complexity of technical professional’s practices in education’s field: an epistemological analysis

  • Soledad Vercellino
    Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Universidad Nacional de Río Negro solevercellino[at]
  • Sandra Bertoldi
    Universidad Nacional del Comahue


From beginnings of the 20th century there are records of the conformation in the educational Argentine system of certain services that have the function to attend educative problems. The public policies of our country, especially from the democratic opening (1983), orientated to that the intervention of these services was acquiring a character to interdiscipline, across technician – professional teams. The state of the art shows that the question about of the scope of the intervention to interdiscipline of these technical teams is still in force. Interested in this question and before the observance of diverse experiences of traffic of knowledge between professionals and technical teams in Río Negro state, we have developed from the National University of the Comahue, a research about the technical teams of the high school. It’s an intention of this article to announce some epistemological consideration about some information obtained in this investigation linked to the senses that the notion of interdiscipline acquires from the educational regulations and from the practices of the above mentioned equipments.
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Vercellino, S., & Bertoldi, S. (2012). The interdiscipline’s complexity of technical professional’s practices in education’s field: an epistemological analysis. Aula, 18, 97–110.


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Author Biographies

Soledad Vercellino

Universidad Nacional del Comahue; Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica. Monseñor Esandi y Ayacucho – C.P. 8500. Viedma – Río Negro. Argentina

Sandra Bertoldi

Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica. Monseñor Esandi y Ayacucho – C.P. 8500. Viedma – Río Negro. Argentina