The teaching of evolution in Portugal in the early 20th century through the programs and textbooks of Zoology


The teaching of evolution in the Portuguese secondary schools is not yet fully understood. This research aimed to contribute to this clarification, in the framework of the history of the curriculum and the biology subject, by showing the expressions of the evolutionism teaching in the first three decades of the twentieth century. To this end we analyzed the programs of Zoology of 1905 and 1919, as well as two textbooks, entitled «Lições de Zoologia» and written by Bernardo Aires in accordance with these programs. This analysis showed that the study of evolution, eliminated from the program in 1905, was again recognized in the program in 1919. In textbooks, the exposure of evolution focused on the subject of evolution, in the grounds of competition and natural selection, adaptation, the biogenetic law and the essential differences between Lamarckism and Darwinism. The comparative study of these textbooks showed that the text which addresses the evolution is essentially Darwinian. However, neoLamarckians sections have been identified that show the influence of the «eclipse of Darwinism» on the teaching of evolutionism.
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Cavadas, B. (2011). The teaching of evolution in Portugal in the early 20th century through the programs and textbooks of Zoology. Aula, 17, 109–131.


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Author Biography

Bento Cavadas

Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
Centro de Estudos e Intervenção em Educação e Formação Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Campo Grande, 376 1749 - 024 Lisboa (Portugal)