Inclusive education in Latin America and the Caribbean


The region of Latin America and the Caribbean is known for being the most socially unequal in the world and for this has highly segmented societies, which affects the education, integration and social cohesion of the population. Expanding opportunities for everyone to have access to quality education and developing more inclusive schools, which would educate within and for diversity, stand out as two powerful strategies in a move towards more just and democratic societies in Latin America. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the educational situation in the region from the perspective of rights and inclusion, with particular attention paid to those individuals and groups that suffer most from the impact of inequality, exclusion and marginalization. This analysis begins with an assessment the progress and challenges still to be made regarding access, attendance, quality and equity of education in Latin America. In the second part it addresses the major issues on the agenda of Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Blanco Guijarro, R., & Duk Homad, C. (2011). Inclusive education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Aula, 17, 37–55.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Blanco Guijarro

UNESCO/Chile Enrique Delpiano 2058, Providencia - Santiago de Chile (Chile)

Cynthia Duk Homad

Universidad Central de Chile
Universidad Central de Chile. Edificio Vicente Kovacevic II- Santa Isabel 1278, 2º piso - Santiago de Chile (Chile)