Factores de riesgo del maltrato y abandono infantil desde una perspectiva multicausal


RESUMEN: En este artículo se expone la evolución de los diferentes modelos que han tratado de ofrecer una explicación del maltrato y abandono infantil, modelos que en un principio se basaban en una perspectiva unicausal. Actualmente, el maltrato infantil se encuadra en un marco teórico multicausal; desde este enfoque, se proporciona un análisis de aquellos factores ambientales, familiares e individuales, que se consideran importantes en la explicación del maltrato y abandono infantil intrafamiliar.SUMMARY: In this report is exposed the evolution of the different models which have tried to offer an explanation to the phenomenon of the abuse and children's neglect, models that at first were based in an unicausal perspective. Nowadays, the children's abuse is inserted in a theorical multicausal setting; from this aproach, it is provided an analysis of those familiar, individual and surrounding factors which are considered important in the explanation of abuse and intrafamiliar children's neglect.
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González-muriel López, C. (2009). Factores de riesgo del maltrato y abandono infantil desde una perspectiva multicausal. Aula, 8. https://doi.org/10.14201/3417


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