Comparative Study of Academic Stress Associated with Returning to School after COVID-19 of Students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Preschool Education within the Normal School Training System in Mexico

  • Fabiola Lizet González Gutiérrez
    Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Educación Normal Gral. Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, Cuidad Lerdo, Durango flizet[at]
  • Solyenitzi Guadalupe González Gutiérrez
    Investigadora independiente


The initial training of the students of the Degree in Preschool Education at the Institute of Higher Studies of Normal Education Gral. Lazaro Cárdenas del Río, takes place in an endless number of situations and they experience a set of individual and institutional situations, product of the demand and the demand to which they are exposed during the teaching and learning experiences when studying the degree, coupled with the post-COVID-19 face-to-face return process that has brought conditions that have affected the physical, psychological and behavioral reactions of our students and that has been manifested in their learning process. The main objective of the present investigation is to identify the levels of academic stress of the students of the degree in preschool education. The present investigation is a quantitative approach, whose scope is descriptive, not experimental, correlational. For this, the instrument used for data collection was based on the SISCO Inventory of Academic Stress (SV-21). The results where possible explanatory causes are analyzed, as well as some intervention measures to reduce stress in students of the Degree in Preschool Education.
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