Methods for Learning Mathematical Content

  • Jakeline Amparo Villota Enríquez
    Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil javillota[at]
  • Amauri Gouveia Jr
    Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil


The objective of this work is to examine the existing evidence on the impact of two methods on the academic performance of students in mathematics learning. From the methodological design, this study is based on a systematic review of the literature on studies related to methods for learning mathematics in which the articles are identified, categorized and analyzed, noting their characteristics and synthesizing the main research topics and their content. For this reason, based on data consulted was Scopus by its large international reconnaissance where a total of six scientific articles corresponding to the years 2014-2019 were selected whose contents cover learning techniques in relation to academic performance in mathematics. The results show different aspects such as the authorship of the articles, the newspapers where they were published, the type of research, the data collection techniques used, and the research topics relevant to the techniques implemented in the mathematical learning process. Furthermore, a focused analysis was carried out on 5 identified topics: the implementation of the learning methods, the competence generated by the learning methods, the use of technological resources in the learning process, and the context in which the learning methods are used, finally, two learning methods influenced the academic performance of two students in mathematics.
  • Referencias
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