Formation of Ethical Values through Sport: A Proposal for School Coexistence


The construction of ethical subjects directly depends on the values that are implicit in the content with which young people interact in everyday school life, as well as the quality of the interpersonal relationships established between these subjects and the sources of knowledge and values. Sport can emerge as an interdisciplinary pedagogical possibility, since sport explains several socially valued attitudes that manifest themselves in the game. The class assembly was chosen as an intervention, an organized pedagogical space to reflect and seek solutions to problems and conflicts that occur in everyday school life, providing opportunities for students to participate in decision-making on matters that concern them. The intervention was carried out for 5 months, totaling 18 weekly sessions of 45 minutes each, divided alternately into: Week 1 (classes on sporting experiences and values); Week 2: the class assembly. It was observed that the class assembly influenced the way students relate and resolve their conflicts and sport was a facilitator in processes involving respect, friendship and solidarity.
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