Teaching Innovation on Global Citizenship Education from the Alliance between the University of Valencia and the Global Campaign for Education

  • Ana Ancheta-Arrabal
    Universitat de València Ana.ancheta[at]uv.es
  • Beatriz Cercos-Chamorro
    Universitat de València


The work is based on the presentation of the research and training actions carried out within the framework of the teaching innovation project «World Action Week for Education (SAME)». An experience to develop socio-educational co-responsibility (UV-SFPIE_PIEC-2736915), because of the work and alliance of the University of Vàlencia (UV) with the World Campaign for Education (CME), to vindicate education. The university community together with Valencian social organizations have been collaborating since 2007 in this experience that offers opportunities for teaching innovation and a transversal approach to this right in different UV degrees. This teaching innovation project has been carried out for more than ten years by the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Valencia by the Consolidated Group of Teaching Innovation GCID-SAMEUV (GCID23_2591527) with the collaboration of various NGOs that make up the CME in the Valencian Community. Focused on social and educational co-responsibility in both students and university teachers, various training activities connected to education for global citizenship and sustainable development have been implemented, in coherence to guarantee the right to education in accordance with the Goals. of Sustainable Development (SDG), among which we highlight quality education (SDG 4) and gender equality and empowering all women and girls (SDG 5).
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