Active Methodologies at the University, Mediated by Technologies in Different Disciplines

  • Erla Mariela Morales-Morgado
    Universidad de Salamanca erla[at]
  • Santiago Ruiz-Torres
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Sergio Rodero-Cilleros
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Beatriz Morales-Romo
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Rosalynn Argelia Campos-Ortuño
    Universidad de Salamanca


Active methodologies form an important part of current teaching models, which promote an active role for students, articulating on them the other elements of the curriculum such as objectives, contents, activities, and resources, where Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) offer an important support. The pandemic scenario, provoked by COVID-19, has made more alert the need to enhance the promotion of autonomous and self-regulated learning skills in university students. This paper presents the experience of a group of teachers from different disciplines through a teaching innovation project aimed at developing active methodologies through the institutional platform. The results confirm the need and effectiveness of active methodologies supported by technologies, which helps to improve the inclusion and interaction of students.
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