Comparative Study of the Regulations and Protocols Published in Spain by the Autonomous Communities after the Declaration of the State of Alarm Derived from COVID-19

  • Jesús Abel Marrodán Gironés
    Inspección Central de Educación de Castilla y León margirje[at]
  • Sonia Martín Pérez
    Inspección Central de Educación de Castilla y León
  • Paulino Martín Seco
    Inspección Central de Educación de Castilla y León


The situation that occurred after the declaration of the state of alarm in our country has led to the suspension of on-site educational activity in centers during the last quarter of the 2019/2020 academic year and a new conception in the organization and development of educational processes during the course 2020/2021. All this has led to the deployment of rules and action protocols, both at the national and regional levels, in order to safeguard the fundamental right to education of our minors in combination with the right to health protection through preventive measures that the health authorities have adopted for educational centers.This article presents the results obtained in the documentary analysis phase of the research project developed, after reviewing 149 standards and protocols published by the Government and the regional educational administrations. It has been used the technique of variance analysis through the search for key terms among the elements of study, which allows to establish generalizations explained by interpretation of diversity, which lead to the identification of key factors in the improvement of educational systems related to inclusion, quality and equity.For the systematization of the analysis process, 36 indicators classified into four study categories have been used around the measures adopted with the students, with the teaching staff, curricular and pedagogical and, finally, organizational.The study highlights the dispersion of existing regulations in terms of volume and type, as well as the difficulty in some cases of accessing documents. Likewise, it confirms the intensity in the work carried out by the administrations at the beginning of the 2020/2021 academic year, but not in its development, which is left in the hands of the educational centers, given the lack of indications at the end of the 2019/2020 academic year. Among the coincident aspects, the following stand out: the proposal of reinforcement and support plans stands out, the importance of communication with families, the availability of unspecified resources, the need for teacher training in digital competence, the adaptation of the documents of the centers (plans of orientation and tutorial action and didactic programming), the evaluation and promotion criteria, the contingency and digitization plans, as well as the aspects related to the new COVID organization. In contrast, absenteeism, the decrease in ratios or the means directed at teachers are not dealt with in a general way.
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Marrodán Gironés, J. A., Martín Pérez, S., & Martín Seco, P. (2023). Comparative Study of the Regulations and Protocols Published in Spain by the Autonomous Communities after the Declaration of the State of Alarm Derived from COVID-19. Aula, 29, 207–221.


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