Teaching-Learning Processes in Body Expression at the INEFC from its Creation to the Present Day. A History of Synergies

  • Silvia Garcías De Ves
    Universitat de Lleida sgarcias[at]gencat.cat
  • Mercè Mateu Serra
    Universitat de Barcelona
  • Luciana Spadafora
    Universitat de Lleida
  • Carlota Torrents Martín
    Universitat de Lleida


Body Expression (BE) is, together with Dance, a compulsory subject in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CAFYD) in Spain. Currently, at the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC), this subject consists of six ECTS credits (60 hours). In the centers of Barcelona and Lleida, the teachers of this subject encourage this expressive activity inside and outside the centers by organizing specific continuing education courses in BE or through extra-academic activities. This manuscript aims to approach the writing of creative non-fiction by bringing together the stories of four women told in the first person. After reading it, we can see points in common between them and how teamwork has facilitated the creation of an optimal context for the emergence of creative ideas, the organization of artistic groups, events or activities that constitute, in a non-formal way, a parallel training to the degree. This training has been the driving force for many students who have oriented their professional careers towards the artistic field of movement, either as teachers or as artists.
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Garcías De Ves, S., Mateu Serra, M., Spadafora, L., & Torrents Martín, C. (2023). Teaching-Learning Processes in Body Expression at the INEFC from its Creation to the Present Day. A History of Synergies. Aula, 29, 51–71. https://doi.org/10.14201/aula2023295171


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