Content Analysis of Ecosystems and Geochemical Cycles in Portuguese Textbooks

  • Rosa Branca Cameira Tracana
    Instituto Politécnico da Guarda rtracana[at]
  • Maria Eduarda Revés da Cunha Ferreira
    Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
  • Maria da Graça Ferreira Simões de Carvalho
    Universidade do Minho


There are many studies in recent times, on the topic Ecosystems and geochemical cycles. We intend to analyze the didactic transposition of this topic in terms of textbooks from the Portuguese education system, in different periods. We analyzed textbooks of primary and secondary school about Environmental Studies, Natural Sciences, Biology, Geology and Geography, from the Portuguese Educational System, and even Social Studies, Chemistry, Biology, Natural Sciences, Geology, Geography and Ecology. Time I (1991-2000) has a more developed approach to the presentation of the subjects when compared with Time II (2000-2006). In the topic Ecosystems and geochemical cycles, the approach of the textbooks is essentially ecocentric. However our results lead us to question the quality of textbooks in relation to this topic, because not only it is necessary for an in-depth approach as well as how to include environmental education skills in textbooks so that they might be transmitted to future generations, and thus contribute to a better quality of life on Earth.
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Author Biographies

Rosa Branca Cameira Tracana

Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
Instituto Politécnico da Guarda. Av. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro nº50 - 6300-559 Guarda (Portugal)

Maria Eduarda Revés da Cunha Ferreira

Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
Instituto Politécnico da Guarda. Av. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro nº50 - 6300-559 Guarda (Portugal)

Maria da Graça Ferreira Simões de Carvalho

Universidade do Minho
CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança. Universidade do Minho, Instituto de Educação. Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga (Portuga)