Estructural components of teachers’ attitudes towards integration Digital Interactive Table (DIT) in the classroom
Abstract The aim of this paper is to assess attitudes toward the integration of the Digital Interactive Table (DIT) in the classroom. We wonder if there is a positive predisposition towards such integration, and if it is linked to attitudes in their cognitive, affective-emotional and behavioral aspects. To this end, we propose a multicasual study based on the collection of qualitative data obtained through recordings on two semi-structured interviews with teachers to initiate and complete their training in the use of the Digital Interactive Table. The results point toward the existence positive attitudes.
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AJZEN, I. y FISHBEIN, M. (1977) Attitude-behavior relations a theoretical analysis and review of empirical research. Psychological Bulletin, 84 (5), 888-918.
BROFENBRENNER, U. (1976) The Experimental Ecology of Education. Educational Researcher, 5 (9), 5-15.
CABERO, J. (2004) Formación del profesorado en TIC. El gran caballo de batalla. Comunicación y Pedagogía. Tecnologías y Recursos didácticos, 195, 27-31.
CLARK, K. D. (2001) Urban middle school teachers’ use of instructional technology. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 33 (2), 178-195.
EAGLY, A. H. y CHAIKEN, S. (1998) Attitude structure and function. En D. T. GILBERT y S. T. FISKE (eds.) The Handbook of Social Psychology (4th ed.) (vol. 1, pp. 269-322). New York: McGraw-Hill.
EISER, J. R. (1989) Psicología Social. Madrid: Pirámide.
ERTMER, P. A. (2005) Teacher pedagogical beliefs: The final frontier in our quest for technology integration? Educational Technology Research and Development, 53 (4), 25-39.
GOETZ, J. P. y LE COMPTE, M. D. (1988) Etnografía y diseño cualitativo de investigación educativa. Madrid: Morata.
GRESSARD, C. P. y LOYD, B. H. (1985) Validation studies of a new computer attitudes scale. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago.
GUTIÉRREZ, A. (2008) Las TIC en la formación del maestro. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 63 (22,3), 191-206.
LEDERMAN, N. G. (1992) Students’ and teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science: A review of the research. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29 (4), 331-359.
MARQUÉS, P. (2006) La pizarra digital en el aula de clase: Posiblemente el mejor instrumento que tenemos hoy en día para apoyar la renovación pedagógica en las aulas. Madrid: Grupo Edebé.
MUÑOZ, J. y MATO, D. (2008) Análisis de las actitudes respecto a las matemáticas en los alumnos de ESO. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 26 (1), 209-226.
MYERS, J. M. y HALPIN, R. (2002) Teachers’ attitudes and use of multimedia technology in the classroom: Constructivist-based professional development training for school districts. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 18 (4), 133-140.
PARALES, C. y VIZCAÍNO, M. (2007) Las relaciones entre actitudes y representaciones sociales: elementos para una integración conceptual. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 39 (2), 351-361.
PETTY, R. T. y WEGENER, D. T. (1988) Attitude change: Multiple roles for persuasion variables. En D. GILBERT, S. FISKE y G. LINDZEY (eds.). The Handbook of Social Psychology (4th ed.) (pp. 323-390). New York: McGraw-Hill.
RAMÍREZ, E.; CAÑEDO, I. y CLEMENTE, M. (2012) Las actitudes y creencias de los profesores de secundaria sobre el uso de Internet en sus clases. Comunicar, 38, 147-151.
SHAFT, T. M.; SHARFMAN, M. P. y WU, W. (2004) Reliability assessment of the attitude towards computers instrument (ATCI). Computers in Human Behavior (20), 661-689.
TEJEDOR, F. J.; GARCÍA-VALCÁRCEL, A. y PRADA, S. (2009) Medida de actitudes del profesorado universitario hacia la integración de las TIC. Comunicar, XVII (33), 115-124.
TRIANDIS, H. C. (1971) Attitude and attitude change. New York: Wiley.
VAN BRAAK, J. (2001) Individual characteristics influencing teachers’ class use of computers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 25 (2), 141-157.
Sánchez García, A. B. (2014). Estructural components of teachers’ attitudes towards integration Digital Interactive Table (DIT) in the classroom. Aula, 20, 175–186.
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