The family, an indispensable ally to promote culture from professional spaces


The literature written for children and adolescents contains many stories whose plots and characters revolve around family members. These books connect fiction and information, such that for these readers the milieu is familiar and recognizable because the family is placed at the centre of the argument. The present work addresses the family space, analyzing the factors that determine how reading becomes integrated into homes, as a step prior to exploring some activities aimed at promoting reading that can be orchestrated from the point of view of the professionals working with families. The work begins with a series of reflections about the concept of reading itself, the meanings that it acquires at the time of being performed, and the usefulness and benefits that can be derived from it. Following this, the role of the parents is analyzed; these are seen as essential intermediaries of the work carried out by the professionals promoting reading. Finally, the role of professional mediators of reading is addressed. All of the above is considered in light of the opportunities and threats that digital technology can bring to this line of enquiry. 
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
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Author Biography

Teresa Corchete Sánchez

Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. Salamanca
Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. Calle Peña Primera, 14-16, 37002 Salamanca (España)