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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • APA Style (7th edition) has been used in the text and in the bibliographical references at the end.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it for consideration before any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word document format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • All available measures should be taken to ensure an anonymous revision of the text.
  • Metadata details (when the article is sent through the journal's website) have been completed, including: all data of the author or authors, mail, institution and country; equally the section in which the article has to be included, key words, abstract and bibliography are needed.

Author Guidelines

AULA, journal of Pedagogy of the University of Salamanca


AULA, journal of Pedagogy of the University of Salamanca, published by the Edici0nes Service of the USAL, has as its main objective the publication of original research papers whose central themes revolve around education, training and educational research. Original research papers are welcome:

  • IBIC IBIC Education Pedagogy (JN).
  • BIC: Education (JN)
  • BISAC: Education / General (EDU000000)

As a journal published only online since 2023, it follows a policy of open and immediate access to its content, under the principle that making educational research freely available improves the exchange of global knowledge. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca has been following the golden path of Open Knowledge (Open Access) since 2011, being able to download the full text in PDF of the journal AULA, in compliance with Law 14/2011, of June 1, on Science, Technology and Innovation. The submission of articles is free of charge, neither for the edition nor for the publication in Open Access (APC). Therefore, its publication is completely free for authors. Its frequency of publication is currently annual, but it is planned to publish two issues per year starting in 2024.
The journals published by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca are committed to guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the articles published, as well as the review and editing processes, taking into account the guidelines established by the "Code of Conduct and Best Practices for Editors of Scientific Journals" defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in order to offer responsible scientific publications. AULA journal supports research from authors or research teams from developing countries, whose texts are presented in scientific languages, preferably in Spanish, English or Portuguese. It also shows a commitment to new authors from all over the world who submit articles in these languages. The journal AULA is kept in the two main repositories of the University of Salamanca: "eUSAL Revistas" and "Gredos".
The LOCKSS system is used to create a distributed archive among the participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. The OAI-PMH interoperability protocol with the path <> is used.



The editorial teams (consisting of Editorial Boards, Editors, Directors, Secretaries, etc.) will be impartial in the management of the papers and will ensure, at all times, the confidentiality of the evaluation process and communications between the Editorial Boards, as well as the anonymity of the authorship of the papers until they have been accepted for publication.


Authors will send their articles through the web page; The articles will follow the following evaluation process: The Editorial Team will carry out a first review verifying that the subject matter, object of study and format are in accordance with the interests and standards provided by AULA. This preliminary review takes between 1 and 3 weeks, at the end of which the author will be notified if the manuscript will be sent to external reviewers or if it requires modifications. If the manuscript is not considered suitable for external review, the author will be given the reasons. After this first process and before publication, it will be analyzed by two external reviewers, who may make proposals for modifications, if necessary. The final acceptance of an article requires the positive evaluation of both; in case of notable discrepancies, the article will be submitted to a third reviewer. The reviewers have a period of 2 weeks to accept/reject the article to be reviewed; and 4 weeks to make the order in case of acceptance, and the sending of the Report. From this moment on, the author will receive a document from the Editorial Team (accepted; accepted with minor changes; proposal of major changes and new arbitration; rejected) with the possible Suggestions for Improvement emanating from the reviewers' reports. The author must answer if he/she agrees with the proposed changes (if this is the case), committing to send a revised version that includes a list of the changes made in a period not exceeding 15 days. Other sections of the journals, such as reviews, interviews or information, may be evaluated by the editorial team and dispense with external evaluators, following the criteria established by the journal. The editorial teams: - May directly reject the papers received, without resorting to external experts, when they consider that the manuscript does not meet the minimum requirements, is not adapted to the rules of publication, does not meet the objectives of the journal or contains a too high rate of similarity with other articles already published.

- They may use the computer tools provided by the University of Salamanca to obtain similarity reports, or any other software they deem appropriate.

- They may not use the results of unpublished papers for their own research without the express consent of the authors.

- They will inform the editors of possible conflicts of interest with authors or reviewers, refraining from making decisions on manuscripts that may pose problems in this regard.

- They will be responsible for selecting the articles to be submitted for blind peer review and, based on the reports received, will decide which articles are accepted for publication.

- They will select reviewers with proven experience, either professional or scientific, in the field of knowledge of the article reported, disregarding evaluators who make incorrect, disrespectful or out of time reports or who show potential conflicts of interest.

- They will issue the corresponding certificates of authorship and review that are requested.

- They will try to limit the number of articles sent by their members to the journal and will ensure that the original articles in which a member has participated are externally evaluated with all the guarantees of impartiality.

- In case of detection of malpractice, the editorial teams will follow the recommendations of the COPE, considering the possibility of withdrawing publications in case of malpractice, issuing notes in case of inconclusive evidence of malpractice, or requesting appropriate modifications.



The papers submitted by the authors must be the result of original and unpublished research, not containing significant fragments of works by other authors or of their own previously published works and always referring to the sources used for the preparation of the manuscript. Plagiarism in all its forms will be avoided, as well as multiple or redundant publication. The papers submitted must not have been previously published in any language and must not be simultaneously submitted to evaluation processes in another publication. Papers that extend the content of others that have been published may be accepted when the modifications introduced represent a substantial improvement and provided that the text from which they are based is adequately referenced. Those adaptations (translations or revisions of already published texts) that are of special interest to the journal's readers may be considered by the editorial teams, provided that the motivation for the adaptation is specified and the original work is clearly cited. Authors undertake to:

- Refrain from violating publication ethics and present the results honestly, without falsifications, manipulations or distortions of data.

- They will take into account the rules for submission of originals established by the journal. Authorship of the paper will correspond to the persons who assume responsibility for the content, acknowledging relevant non-substantive contributions such as acknowledgements and/or sources of funding, in the body of the text or in a footnote. All authors must have made a significant contribution to the work presented. No person should be excluded from authorship if he/she has been significantly involved in the completion of the work.

- The order of signatures/affiliation in the article should correspond to the effort and contribution. - Publications that have influenced the research should be acknowledged, citing the sources on which the work is based following the rules established by the journal. The inclusion of irrelevant citations should be avoided.

- Clearly indicate the sources of funding that have supported the study, mentioning the responsible entity and, when available, the identification code.

- Undertake to notify possible serious errors that imply the need to withdraw or retract the publication or publish an erratum.

- Notify the editor of possible conflicts of interest with members of the editorial team or potential external reviewers.

- They will undertake to take into account the considerations expressed by the external reviewers and the editorial team and to review the proofs of correction within the deadlines stipulated by the journal.

The publisher grants self-archiving and digital preservation permission to authors to publish their work on the Internet (for example in institutional repositories or personal web pages), always after editing (in no case before revision, layout or even in the proofreading phase). These measures are done to encourage reading and citation of the article, as well as to achieve a wider and faster dissemination of the published work (see The Effect of Open Access). AULA requires authors to be identified in ORCID to standardize the citation of their publications. The journal is committed to providing XML metadata or in other specific formats, immediately after publication in "eUSAL Revistas" and within three months in order to promote dissemination in databases (Proquest, Ebsco, Elsevier, DOAJ, CrossRef/DOI). Authors whose articles have been published since October 2020 can see the download statistics in the article file. Those prior to that date will have to request them to the Editorial Secretariat. Copyright is subject cc by-nc-sa license. Authors who publish in AULA accept the following conditions:

The authors retain the copyright and grant to Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca the right of publication, under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license, which allows third parties to distribute, copy and display the article as long as they cite the authorship of the work, the publication in AULA, specific number and the pages in which they found the information. No commercial benefit may be obtained. Authors may make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in the journal provided that clearly indicate that the work was published in AULA, specific issue and the pages where they found the cited information. Aula articles are indexed in Dialnet, Education Source (EBSCO) and REDIB. In addition, the journal is evaluated in Latindex (Catalog 2.0), ERIHPlus, MIAR and CIRC and is also included in the information portals Sherpa/Romeo, Dulcinea and DOAJ.

AULA supports the "San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment" - DORA-.

For good practices in gender equality it is necessary that:

  • Articles should include, as far as possible, the use of inclusive language.
  • Authors should include the full name (not only the first initial of the first name), at least in the metadata.




- They will take into account at all times the editorial policies and the "Guide to Good Practice".

- They will evaluate only those articles for which they consider themselves qualified, refraining from evaluating those in which there is a potential conflict of interest.

- They will inform the editorial team of any possible malpractice they detect so that it can analyze the case and act accordingly.

- Commit to a critical, sincere, respectful, constructive and impartial review.

- They will ensure, before accepting the review proposal, that they will be able to comply with the deadlines established by the journal, in order not to delay publication.

- The established deadlines are 2 weeks to accept/reject the article to be reviewed; and 4 weeks to order the acceptance and sending of the Report.

- The editors of the journal will always send to the reviewers who have accepted the assignment a document called "Reviewer's Report", the "Publication Guidelines" and the article itself, without author data or metadata that may reveal its authorship. They should also send attachments referring to images, tables or graphs.



Conflicts of interest will be considered to exist when there is evidence of a direct relationship or recent professional collaboration between authors and reviewers, or between authors and members of the Editorial Team. A conflict of interest will also be considered when, for any reason, editors or reviewers consider that they cannot be objective in their treatment of a manuscript.


The primary objective of the journal is the publication of original research papers whose central themes revolve around education, training and educational research. Articles submitted for consideration must be original and not have been submitted simultaneously to other journals.
The 2 main sections of the journal are: Monographs and Studies. But other sections such as reviews, news or events are also contemplated. The reviews will be about specialized books, textbooks, software and Doctoral Theses related to the topics of the journal. These reviews should not exceed 4,000 characters, including spaces and single-spaced paragraphs, and should also be sent in Word format. The reviews should include the complete file of the text or software reviewed; the author's name and e-mail address; in the case of reviews of Doctoral Theses, the institution, thesis director and date of defense should also be included.
The article should contain a first page with the title of the article and the abstract in Spanish/Portuguese and in English. Likewise, between 4-6 key words must be included, respectively, included in the UNESCO Thesaurus. In no case should the document contain personal identification of the authors. Abstracts should not exceed 1,200 characters including spaces. Articles should not exceed 40,000 characters including spaces.
Originals should be sent in word format (.docx), Times New Roman font, 12 point size and with single space between lines.
Figures, photos and tables should be submitted in *.jpg format with a maximum resolution of 72 dpi, in separate files and as an attachment to the text. Files should be named according to the order in which they appear in the text: figure01.jpg, table02.jpg or graph01.jpg.
Special words or phrases that you wish to emphasize may be italicized or bolded (never underlined).
Bibliography, references and notes using APA style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 7th ed., 2020):
Journal article:

Last name, N. (year). Title of article: Subtitle. Name of journal, volume (no.), pp. x-x.

Last name, A., Last name, B., & Last name, C. (Year). Book title. Publisher.
Book chapter:

Last Name, A. (Year). Chapter Title. In A. Editor of the book (Ed.) or (Eds.), Title of the book (pp.xx). Publisher.
Institutional reports:

Corporate author. (Year). Title of the report.
Reports with authorship:

Last name, A. (Year). Report title (Report No. xxx). Publisher.
Online conference proceedings:

Last name, A., Last name, B., & Last name, C. (Date). Title of the contribution [Type of contribution]. Title of the symposium or congress, City, Country.
Conference proceedings published in books:

Surname, A., Surname, B., & Surname, C. (Year). Title of the contribution. In A. Editor of the book (Ed.) or (Eds.), Title of the symposium or congress (pp. x-x). Publisher.
Unpublished contributions to congresses, meetings and symposia:

Last name, A. (Date). Title of the contribution [Type of contribution]. Title of the symposium or congress, City, Country.

Last name, A. (Year). Title of the thesis [Type of thesis for a degree or title, Name of the institution granting the degree]. Repository Name.
Legal source:

Type of regulation Number/Year, of "date of approval", title of the regulation. Official State Gazette, Number in italics, of "date of publication". Permalink ELI (European Legislation Identifier)


Galo Sánchez Sánchez, Director
Eva García Redondo, secretary
Daniel Caballero Juliá, metrics and web consultant

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.